An immersive exhibition of stage models
and accompanying catalogue design
Kleist-Museum, Frankfurt (Oder)
Over 40 stage models from seven decades of theater history can be found in the collection of the Kleist-Museum. Stage models are presented in a variety of environments that focus on their role as works of art, archival materials and designers’ tools. History of stage models is shown throughout the stations, as well as various aspects of Heinrich von Kleist's reception in the theater. The exhibition is enriched by additional materials from the museum collection, which are presented part analogue, part digitally through a specially created AR app.
An immersive exhibition of stage models
and accompanying catalogue design
Kleist-Museum, Frankfurt (Oder)
Over 40 stage models from seven decades of theater history can be found in the collection of the Kleist-Museum. Stage models are presented in a variety of environments that focus on their role as works of art, archival materials and designers’ tools. History of stage models is shown throughout the stations, as well as various aspects of Heinrich von Kleist's reception in the theater. The exhibition is enriched by additional materials from the museum collection, which are presented part analogue, part digitally through a specially created AR app.

Associate Design by Shel Yan
Polish texts by Paulina Jonczynski
AR Design by Research group INKA, HTW Berlin
Furniture and Montage by Backstage Jonscher GmbH
Technical Direction by Frank Käubler
With generous support of Land Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture